Master your Energy Intelligence and save up to 50 % of your energy and commodities

The fastest way to savings and efficiency lies in the optimal use of available resources, managing consumption and seizing new opportunities. Our set of tools allow you to see your energy and commodities in context and to utilize your resources more efficiently.


Energy Management & Optimization System (EMOS)

After implementing the monitoring module and the subsequent control algorithms, FLOWBOX can autonomously manage your technology based on both internal and external data inputs.
We achieve perfect energy efficiency for your production or building operations.
FLOWBOX is also a great tool for ISO 50001 management.

Cost Savings up to 50%

FLOWBOX can cut energy costs by up to 50% with optimized use and efficient energy management. Advanced monitoring and automated control ensure energy is used only when necessary, significantly reducing expenses.

Energy Resilience

FLOWBOX ensures energy resilience by integrating your battery storage system (BESS) and renewable sources, providing continuous flow of power. This adaptability to market conditions and consumption peaks strengthens and protects your operations against supply disruptions.

CO2 Reduction

FLOWBOX reduces CO2 emissions by optimizing energy management and integrating renewable sources. This helps clients meet decarbonization and ESG goals, aiding the global climate efforts.

Digitalization of Technical Solutions

FLOWBOX digitalizes energy management by integrating technologies into a single ecosystem. This enables precise monitoring, control, and optimization of energy use, resulting in smarter and more sustainable operations.

How FLOWBOX works

Efficient Energy Management from Start to Finish

Data Acquisition
Data Acquisition
Data Analysis
Data Analysis
Simulation of Measures
Simulation of Measures
Implementation of Measures
Implementation of Measures

Connection, Integration, and Monitoring  

We integrate the vast majority of existing technologies and, together with you, create a connectivity and measurement plan that considers the specifics of your operations and consumption.

  • Maximum utilization of existing meters, or a proposal for their supplementation.
  • FLOWBOX EMOS ensures continuous monitoring of energy flows.
  • Once connected, the technologies are also prepared for future control and orchestration.

Analysis, Visualization, and Interpretation of Data

FLOWBOX Data Intelligence provides detailed energy consumption analysis with a focus on clear visualization and easy interpretation. It quickly helps you understand the consumption structure and identify opportunities for improvement.

  • Management overview with real-time performance display, including financial data, and detailed analysis for energy managers at the click of a button.
  • Automated detailed analyses, visualization of inefficiencies, and quantification of problem severity.

Proposal of Measures and Simulation of Changes

Based on your data and energy goals, we jointly design measures that may include behavioral changes, technology modernization, or adjustments to their management. Our simulation tool, a digital twin, allows you to model the impact of these changes and select the most suitable option.

  • Prediction of cost savings, return on investment (ROI), and carbon footprint reduction.
  • A data-driven decision-making tool (comparison of multiple measure options).
  • Reducing the risk of investments in energy and technology.

Implementation, Control, and Orchestration of Measures

FLOWBOX EMOS allows you to maintain maximum energy management efficiency in real-time, taking into account both internal and external factors, such as changes in energy prices, demand, or resource availability.

  • Gradual introduction of optimization measures.
  • Comprehensive management of all subsystems in real-time.
  • Predictive responses to market changes, production plans, or weather conditions.

How FLOWBOX works

Efficient Energy Management from Start to Finish


Connection, Integration, and Monitoring

We integrate the vast majority of existing technologies and, together with you, create a connectivity and measurement plan that considers the specifics of your operations and consumption.

  • Maximum utilization of existing meters, or a proposal for their supplementation.
  • FLOWBOX EMOS ensures continuous monitoring of energy flows.
  • Once connected, the technologies are also prepared for future control and orchestration.

Analysis, Visualization, and Interpretation of Data

FLOWBOX Data Intelligence provides detailed analysis of energy consumption, with an emphasis on clear visualization and easy interpretation. It helps you quickly understand consumption structure and identify opportunities for improvement.

  • Management overview with real-time performance display, including financial data, and detailed analysis for energy managers at the click of a button.
  • Automated detailed analyses, visualization of inefficiencies, and quantification of problem severity.

Measures Proposal and Simulation of Changes

Based on your data and energy goals, we jointly design measures that may include behavioral changes, technology modernization, or adjustments to their management. Our simulation tool, a digital twin, allows you to model the impact of these changes and select the most suitable option.

  • Prediction of cost savings, return on investment (ROI), and carbon footprint reduction.
  • A data-driven decision-making tool (comparison of multiple measure options).
  • Reducing the risk of investments in energy and technology.

Implementation, Control, and Orchestration of Measures

FLOWBOX EMOS allows you to maintain maximum energy management efficiency in real-time, taking into account both internal and external factors, such as changes in energy prices, demand, or resource availability.

  • Gradual introduction of optimization measures.
  • Comprehensive management of all subsystems in real-time.
  • Predictive responses to market changes, production plans, or weather conditions.

How FLOWBOX works

Efficient Energy Management from Start to Finish

Získání dat
Analýza dat
Simulace opatření
Nasazení opatření

Napojení, integrace a monitoring 

Integrujeme naprostou většinu stávajících technologií a společně s vámi vytvoříme plán napojení a měření, který zohlední specifika vašeho provozu a spotřeby. 

  • maximální využití stávajících měřidel, případně návrh jejich doplnění 
  • FLOWBOX EMOS zajišťuje kontinuální monitoring toků energií 
  • s napojením jsou technologie připraveny i na budoucí řízení a orchestraci
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Analýza, vizualizace a interpretace dat 

FLOWBOX Datová Inteligence poskytuje detailní analýzu spotřeby energií s důrazem na přehlednou vizualizaci a snadnou interpretaci. Rychle vám pomůže pochopit strukturu spotřeby a najít příležitosti ke zlepšení.

  • manažerský přehled s okamžitým zobrazením výkonu, včetně finančních údajů, a detailní analýza pro energetiky na pár kliknutí 
  • automatické detailní analýzy, vizualizace neefektivit, řazení podle vyčíslení závažnosti problémů 
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Návrh opatření a simulace změn 

Na základě vašich dat a energetických cílů společně navrhujeme opatření, která mohou zahrnovat změny v chování, modernizaci technologií nebo úpravy jejich řízení. Náš simulační nástroj, digitální dvojče, vám umožní modelovat dopady těchto změn a vybrat nejvhodnější variantu opatření. 

  • predikce úspor nákladů, návratnosti investic (ROI) a snížení uhlíkové stopy
  • nástroj pro rozhodování založené na datech (porovnání více variant opatření)
  • snížení rizika u investic do energetiky i technologií
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Implementace opatření, řízení a orchestrace

FLOWBOX EMOS vám umožní udržovat maximální efektivitu správy energií v reálném čase, přičemž bere v úvahu jak vnitřní, tak vnější faktory, jako jsou změny cen energií, poptávky nebo dostupnost zdrojů.

  • postupné zavádění optimalizačních opatření
  • komplexní řízení všech subsystémů v reálném čase
  • prediktivní reakce na změny trhu, plánu výroby nebo počasí
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FLOWBOX has experience, functional tools and 
can advise you

We hear from our customers that expensive energy is a threat to their business or that the whole energy sector is an incomprehensible jungle. The FLOWBOX team is here to guide you out of the energy jungle. With our dedicated energy management tool, we'll uncover where you're being inefficient, using data in one place to help you make the most of your resources and manage your energy.

Full control of energy management
Data-driven decision-making tool
Energy intelligence and know-how
Tool for managing CO2 reduction strategy
Tool for energy optimization and savings
Full control of energy management
Data-driven decision-making tool
Energy intelligence and know-how
Tool for managing CO2 reduction strategy
Tool for energy optimization and savings

Easy to apply. Easy to understand. Quick ROI.

Discover how FLOWBOX can transform your energy management with swift, efficient, and tailored solutions. Learn about our approach to achieving rapid ROI, seamless implementation, and scalable growth, all while minimizing investment and maximizing value.

Return on Investment: 6 – 18 months

FLOWBOX EMOS gradually implements measures with the smallest possible investment and highest savings. For most customers, initial investments are recovered with the first steps of optimization.

Implementation within 2 – 6 months

We pride ourselves on the speed and smoothness of implementation without disrupting operations. This allows you to achieve savings and operational efficiency in a short time frame.

The right solution for your specific operation

Our software is ready for all types of customers and situations, giving us the flexibility to focus on and understand your specific operations via building a fine-tuned and customized solution.

Safe and without unnecessary investments

FLOWBOX’s independence from any hardware provider protects against vendor lock-in and enables flexible future expansions with minimal costs.

You pay for the technologies you actually use

This approach accelerates the return on investment and supports growth, as new technology is automatically integrated into the system upon deployment.

Unique data tools for energy management

Thanks to unique data tools powered by automated data intelligence, we provide customers with access to the most advanced data-driven energy management practices.


Client Success Stories

Explore how our clients across various industries have leveraged FLOWBOX to achieve remarkable energy savings, operational efficiency, and sustainability. These use cases highlight the transformative impact of our tailored solutions and the measurable benefits realized by our partners.

"Our primary school saves approximately 50% on energy consumption every year."
Ing. Ivan Radosta
Innovative Solutions in healthcare technology
FLOWBOX as a complex BMS solution in the HQ buildings of Česká Spořitelna
Portfolio-wide deployment to the EMEIA region
"With FLOWBOX, we have our energy management under total control and thus are able to achieve our savings goals"
Milan Maxim
Technical Manager
"Complex monitoring of all energy flows enable a deep understanding of our daily operations and CO2 emissions"
Daniel Korber
Energy Manager
"FLOWBOX simplified our daily work. It has enabled us to implement ISO 50001 and thus eliminate the need for expensive and difficult energy audits.”
Jiří Pajer
CEO of Gramex Ltd.
"The entire energy operation of our company has become significantly more efficient and is now completely autonomous thanks to the implementation of the system.”
Ing. Martin Baumruk
Owner of Baumruk & Baumruk
Gartner Logo

FLOWBOX recognized as a Representative Vendor in Gartner Market Guide

According to Gartner research, achieving ambitious energy efficiency and sustainability goals while maintaining operational resilience depends on the adoption of advanced energy management systems. This Market Guide outlines the current landscape of energy management and optimization technologies, helping executive leaders make informed decisions on technology selection and implementation. FLOWBOX is recognized in the category of EMOS, emphasizing its role as a leading and rapidly growing solution in the field, having also been included in the Gartner Hype Cycle for Low-Carbon Energy Technologies.

Gartner hype cycle emos


Gartner Logo

Gartner Market Guide

FLOWBOX has been recognized as a representative vendor in the prestigious Gartner® Market Guide for Energy Management and Optimization Systems, 2024. This recognition underscores our innovative contributions to the energy sector, particularly in delivering advanced solutions for optimizing energy usage and improving sustainability across industries.

Solar Impulse Foundation Logo

Solar Impulse Efficient Solution

FLOWBOX is proud to be awarded the Solar Impulse Efficient Solution label, recognizing our commitment to sustainability and energy efficiency. This prestigious label highlights FLOWBOX's innovative approach to reducing energy consumption and promoting environmentally friendly solutions.

Ministry of Regional Development Czech Republic logo

Smart City Solution 2022

Smart City Solution 2022 brings modern solutions for efficient resource management and energy optimization in cities. FLOWBOX has implemented this innovative solution in the town of Milevsko (with a population under 10,000), where it monitors and optimizes energy consumption in real time, reduces CO2 emissions, and supports the sustainable development of the town.

ISO logo

ISO 27001 certification

FLOWBOX is proud to hold ISO 27001 certification, demonstrating our commitment to maintaining the highest standards of information security. This certification ensures that we consistently manage sensitive data securely and effectively.


We ensure efficient and sustainable
operations. Since 2012.

In 2012, Petr Vaněk used his experience with technologies in a project focused on streamlining production operations. Therefore, FLOWBOX was born. One of the first industrial facilities to integrate FLOWBOX software was a Czech engineering company BAUMRUK & BAUMRUK. Thanks to autonomous management, they achieve significant energy savings and also have a clear overview of the entire production from the perspective of safety and regular daily operation.

Více o nás





years of experience


unique devices supported

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