Applicable only for clients in the Czech Republic

Offer of subsidies for municipalities

FLOWBOX provides comprehensive support to municipalities seeking to utilize available grant opportunities. Various funding programs are available for municipalities aiming to improve their energy efficiency, reduce carbon footprints, and integrate advanced technologies like AI and IoT. By leveraging these grants, municipalities can significantly offset the costs associated with implementing innovative energy management solutions, ensuring a faster return on investment and enhanced operational sustainability.

Municipal FVE on public buildings for small municipalities

Modernization Fund, Call RES+ No. 3/2024

What can be financed
  • installation of photovoltaic power plant
  • battery storage systems for electricity generated
  • forced investments in roof renovations and electrical upgrades in buildings with newly installed PV
  • introduction of energy management including control software and measurement and control elements to optimize energy production and consumption
  • project preparation
  • activities of professional technical and author's supervision and OHS
  • the buildings and infrastructure where the PV will be installed must be owned by the municipality
  • implementation of the project within 3 years after the Minister's decision to grant the subsidy
  • sustainability of the project for 5 years after its completion
  • the applicant is obliged to ensure professional technical supervision during the implementation
  • one-round, non-competitive call for proposals
  • building permit before submitting the application
  • up to 3000 inhabitants
  • up to 75%
Submission of application
  • 31.12.2024
Place of realization
  • the whole Czech Republic outside Prague
Method of financing
  • ex post

Municipal FVE on buildings and other infrastructure

Modernization Fund, Call RES+ No. 4/2024

What can be financed
  • installation of a photovoltaic power plant
  • battery storage systems for the electricity generated
  • hydrogen production systems by electrolysis of water
  • forced investments in roof renovations and electrical upgrades in buildings with newly installed PV systems
  • introduction of energy management including control software and measurement and control elements to optimise energy production and consumption
  • project preparation
  • activities of professional technical and author's supervision and OHS
  • pooled PV projects that include multiple sub-projects with more than one transmission site
  • a transfer point to the distribution or transmission system located in the territory of the applicant's municipality or in the territory of up to three mutually adjacent municipalities
  • a building permit before the application is submitted
  • implementation of the project within 5 years of the Minister's decision to grant the subsidy
  • sustainability of the project for 5 years after its completion
  • the applicant is obliged to ensure professional technical supervision during the implementation
  • one-round, non-competitive call for proposals
  • counties, municipalities, churches,...
  • up to 45% for PV, up to 30% for batteries
Submission of application
  • 31.12.2024
Place of realization
  • the whole Czech Republic
Method of financing
  • ex post

Energy savings in listed buildings

Modernization Fund, ENERGov Call No. 2/2023

What can be financed
  • Reduce the energy consumption of public buildings
  • improving the quality of the indoor environment of public buildings (modernisation of indoor lighting, installation of external shading elements and measures to eliminate negative acoustic phenomena)
  • increasing the adaptability of public buildings to climate change (grey and rainwater harvesting technologies)
  • construction or renovation of renewable energy sources for public buildings
  • project preparation, professional and technical supervision and OSH activities, mandatory publicity
  • The project must be implemented on listed or architecturally valuable buildings
  • minimum 10% primary energy savings
  • implementation of the project within 5 years of the Minister's decision to grant the subsidy
  • sustainability of the project for 5 years after its completion
  • the implementation of the project must not cause significant damage to environmental objectives
  • one-round, non-competitive call
  • counties, municipalities, churches, schools,...
  • depending on the degree of renovation of the building up to 85%
Submission of application
  • 28.06.2024
Place of realization
  • the whole Czech Republic
Method of financing
  • ex post

Preparation of a local energy concept

National Recovery Plan, NPO Call No. 3/2024

What can be financed
  • development of own energy concept (external and internal)
  • graphic design of the concept
  • printing of the concept
  • maximum amount of subsidy from 450 to 550 thousand CZK CZK
  • both for individual municipalities and associations of municipalities
  • continuous call
  • cities, municipalities, municipal districts, associations of municipalities
  • 85 – 95 %
Submission of application
  • 30.06.2025 (or until used up)
Place of realization
  • the whole Czech Republic
Method of financing
  • ex ante

Renewable energy sources for public buildings

Operational Programme Environment, Call No. 58

What can be financed
  • Replacement of a fossil fuel or electricity source for heating, cooling or hot water with an appliance
    for combined heat and power or cooling using RES.
  • Installation of solar thermal systems.
  • Installation of photovoltaic systems.
  • Reconstruction or replacement of existing RES with RES, including reconstruction of the heating system.
  • Introduction of energy management including control software and measurement and control elements to optimise energy production and consumption.
  • Implementation until 31.12.2029
  • non-competitive, single-round call
  • counties, municipalities, churches, schools,...
  • ZMV unit cost
Submission of application
  • 30.09.2024
Place of realization
  • ITI agglomerations Ostrava, Olomouc, Zlín, Jihlava
Method of financing
  • ex ante

Energy transition, technology in cities

European Urban Initiative, Innovative Actions

What can be financed
  • Innovative technological solutions
  • Energy efficiency and RES
  • Digital transformation, including the development of smart city applications, improving digital connectivity or introducing new technologies for better city management.
  • CAPEX can be financed as well as salaries, admin expenses, travel, expert services, purchase or lease of equipment, construction or renovation of project related infrastructure.
  • the project must be implemented in cities or agglomerations with a population of over 50 thousand inhabitants
  • Deadline October 2024, announcement of results March 2025, start of implementation October 2025
  • project implementation within 3.5 years of launch
  • call allocation 90 million €
  • good combination of partnerships with private sector, NGOs or academia
  • single-round, competitive pan-European call
  • cities over 50 thousand inhabitants outside Prague
  • up to 80% of eligible costs
Submission of application
  • May - October 2024
Place of realization
  • the whole Czech Republic outside Prague
Method of financing
  • ex post

Introduction of energy management

National Recovery Plan, Call No. NPO No. 2/2024

What can be financed
  • preparation of ISO 50001 certification (energy management)
  • ISO 50001 certification
  • acquisition of software up to 60 thousand CZK CZK
  • expenses for definition of processes, responsibilities, information flows, etc.
  • max. amount of subsidy 550 thousand CZK
  • continuous call
  • regions, municipalities, churches, schools
  • max. 95%
Submission of application
  • 30.06.2025 (or until used up)
Place of realization
  • the whole Czech Republic
Method of financing
  • ex ante

Formation of energy communities

National Environment Program

What can be funded:

  • Legal, economic, and technical documentation necessary for the creation of an Energy Community (EC)
  • Feasibility study
  • Awareness and information events for citizens
  • Activities of the energy coordinator
  • Studies on the potential of renewable energy sources (RES) and energy storage
  • Coordination of the establishment of an EC


  • Involvement of various municipal entities in the EC
  • Implementation within approximately 1 year from the issuance of the decision
  • Competitive, two-round call


  • Regions, municipalities
  • Parts, churches,
  • Schools, companies...


  • According to the type of EC

Application submission:

  • In preparation
  • Autumn 2024

Place of implementation:

  • All of the Czech Republic

Technical Infrastructure for Housing

State Investment Support Fund

What can be funded:

  • Construction of the mentioned engineering networks on public road land to the boundary of building plots
  • Ground and construction work related to the construction of technical infrastructure
  • Construction and installation of public lighting
  • Vegetation adjustments directly related to the implementation of technical infrastructure (including tree planting)
  • Technical supervision of the builder


  • Compliance with the zoning plan
  • Implementation within 3 years from the issuance of the decision
  • Construction of houses within 8 years from the completion of the project
  • Project documentation is not reimbursed


  • Municipalities, associations of municipalities, municipal districts


  • Up to 100%
  • 100,000 CZK per apartment
  • Up to 1 million CZK per house

Application submission:

  • In preparation
  • December 2024

Place of implementation:

  • All of the Czech Republic

Reducing the energy demand of buildings

National Environmental Program, Call No. 8/2024

What can be financed:

  • Replacing Heating, Cooling, or Hot Water Preparation Systems Using Fossil Fuels or Electricity with:
    • Heat pumps, biomass boilers, condensing gas boilers, cogeneration units for electricity and heat or cooling using renewable sources or natural gas.
  • Installation of solar thermal systems.
  • Installation of photovoltaic systems, including battery storage.
  • Reconstruction or replacement of existing renewable energy systems with new ones.
  • Implementation of energy management, including control software and measurement and control elements for optimizing energy production and consumption.


  • At least 70% (by weight) of construction and demolition waste not classified as hazardous must be reused or recycled.
  • After project completion, solid fossil fuels must not be used for heating or hot water preparation in the addressed building.
  • The project must result in at least 30% savings in primary energy from non-renewable sources.
  • Measures on new buildings, extensions, and superstructures will not be supported.
  • Project completion by 15.6.2026.


  • Municipalities, regions, churches, public institutions, schools, etc.


  • 50-60%

Application Submission:

  • By 31.10.2024

Entire Czech Republic

Other possible areas of subsidy support


  • Waste management - sorting lines, waste collection and processing
  • Water supply and water treatment plants
  • Flood control measures
  • Water retention and landscape improvement measures
  • Studies on UZES, landscape studies, urban greenery

Every company, apartment building, or school can save

Business managers, manufacturing plants, and mayors can make a basic assessment anonymously with our online tool and find out where their operation lacks in terms of efficiency and consumption. The calculator can immediately reveal potential for improvement in energy processes and costs.

The savings for a shopping center can reach tens of millions of crowns, and for a school, it could be hundreds of thousands of crowns annually. How about you?

A tablet displaying the energy score calculator

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FLOWBOX provides comprehensive support to municipalities seeking to utilize available grant opportunities. Various funding programs are available for municipalities aiming to improve their energy efficiency, reduce carbon footprints, and integrate advanced technologies like AI and IoT. By leveraging these grants, municipalities can significantly offset the costs associated with implementing innovative energy management solutions, ensuring a faster return on investment and enhanced operational sustainability.

Among the popular funding sources are European Union grants, which offer substantial financial aid for projects focused on sustainability and digital transformation. National and regional programs also provide tailored financial support to meet specific industry needs. FLOWBOX assists clients in navigating these complex application processes, ensuring they maximize the potential of each funding opportunity. By tapping into these resources, municipalities can accelerate their journey towards smarter, more efficient, and eco-friendly operations.

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