International Clean Energy Day: the cleanest energy is the energy that is never produced

26 January marks International Clean Energy Day, which reminds us of the importance of transitioning to sustainable energy sources. Although modern technologies allow for increasingly efficient use of renewable resources, the cleanest energy is really the energy we never have to produce. Eliminating and preventing waste should therefore be a key part of any sustainable energy plan.

„Energy efficiency is a source of energy in itself,inexhaustible and available everywhere.“ Michiel Rijsberman, member of theProvincial Council of Flevoland, Netherlands

Why is energy waste a problem?

Wasting energy is not just a matter of high electricity bills, it is a matter of putting unnecessary strain on our planet. Every kilowatt hour that is produced consumes raw materials, requires transport, and often causes greenhouse gas emissions. Even in the case of renewable energy sources such as solar or wind power, there are environmental costs associated with the production and installation of the equipment. Reducing energy consumption should therefore also be a priority for companies, which often have a significant share of the energy balance.

The role of data in the fight against waste

Smart energy management systems, such as FLOWBOX EMOS, enable real-time monitoring and analysis of energy consumption. This allows you to pinpoint where inefficient use of resources is occurring and take corrective action.

How can these systems help?

  • Predicting increased consumption and being able to distribute it over time: thanks to detailed analysis, it is possible to predict situations where the system is overloaded and optimise consumption so that it is evenly distributed.
  • Automated control of energy processes and technologies.
  • Detect inefficiencies, simulate measures and predict their impact: based on the data collected, it is possible to calculate exactly where and how much energy (and money) can be saved by implementing individual optimization measures.

Typical inefficiencies in companies

Typical inefficiencies encountered in companies include the failure to switch off technologies outside of working hours, heating and cooling heat losses, compressed air losses in compressors, and inefficiencies in purchasing or sub-optimal use of PV. However, waste can also include not taking advantage of the opportunities offered by today's energy sector, such as not taking advantage of energy flexibility or not taking advantage of SPOT pricing.

So how to start?

Reducing energy waste is not just a question of technology. Changing the way we approach energy is also crucial. So how do we start? We suggest this approach:

  1. Team competence
    Consider whether you have sufficient knowledge and experience in your company to manage the energy sector, or whether you need to supplement your team or use external experts.
  2. Introduce automatic metering  
    Start by installing automatic metering on the main meters. For medium and larger companies, add metering on 2-3 significant branches of secondary consumption.
  3. Perform consumption analysis
    - Use the EMOS system, or at least a spreadsheet (e.g. Excel), to identify the main areas of consumption.
    - Find the biggest inefficiencies and select the 3 areas with the greatest potential for improvement.
    - Estimate (or simulate) the impact of possible efficiency measures.
  4. Complete the EMOS cycle
    Prepare one specific measure based on the analysis. Implement it and continuously measure its impact and effectiveness.

FLOWBOX: Partner for a cleaner future

At FLOWBOX, we believe that clean energy starts with smarter use of existing energy. Our technologies enable companies to reduce their energy consumption, make their operations more efficient and contribute to a more sustainable future. Let's celebrate International Clean Energy Day together by taking the first step to reduce waste. Because the cleanest energy is the energy we don't produce at all.

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Připojte se na webinář zdarma a zjistěte, jaké jsou typické neefektivity ve firmách, jak je odhalit a odstranit. Webinář Jak jednoduše snížit spotřeby energií ve výrobní firě o více než 20 % se koná 20.2.