Year 2024 in the Czech industry: Why digitization is crucial for growth and sustainability

The results of the Czech Industry 2024 Analysis, published by the National Centre for Industry 4.0, provide valuable insight into the current trends and challenges facing Czech manufacturing companies. They send a clear message: in these rapidly changing times, it is crucial to optimise production processes and improve efficiency. Let's take a look at some of its conclusions and recommendations in the area of OPEX efficiency and implementation of ESG principles.

The analysis highlights, that to achieve long-term competitiveness and meet the growing ESG requirements, it is essential for Czech companies to rethink their strategies and focus primarily on optimisation.

Let's summarise the main conclusions of the Czech Industry 2024 Sustainability Analysis:

1.     The need to reduce operating costs:

To ensure the competitiveness of Czech companies in the global market, it is essential to reduce operating costs, especially through improving energy efficiency and optimising the use of resources. Companies that focus on efficient use of energy and resources can achieve significant savings, which will have a positive impact on their economic performance. This motivation is crucial for SMEs and large corporations.

2.      The growing importance of ESG

ESG factors are becoming increasingly important for maintaining reputation and attracting investors. Large companies mention access to capital and investments as the main motivation for sustainable behaviour, while for SMEs, customer conditions are the main motivation. It is the directors of small technical companies supplying the automotive industry who feel that meeting ESG criteria beyond their legal obligation can bring new business opportunities.

Fulfilling ESG criteria helps companies not only to meet regulatory requirements, but also to improve their overall efficiency and reduce the risks associated with unsustainable practices.

 3.      Emphasis on digitization and automation

Digitization and automation are essential to achieve the goals in both previously mentioned areas- operational efficiency and ESG. Advanced technology tools enable accurate monitoring, analysis and control of processes, leading to reduced energy consumption and better compliance with ESG standards. Digitization in particular plays a key role not only in strengthening sustainability, but also in communicating commitments clearly and transparently to both business partners and financial institutions or investors. And this also applies to SMEs, which are not yet directly affected by ESG reporting. Practice very often requires the opposite. That is why Czech companies should invest intechnologies that will help them optimise their operating costs and meet their ESG obligations.

EMOS FLOWBOX is just such a technology that not only allows you to monitor and optimise all of your energy flows, but also to manage and orchestrate them efficiently. The great advantage of FLOWBOX is that it is able to integrate the vast majority of existing technology and systems without the need for extensive changes or investment in new HW equipment. The payback period can be as quick as 6 and 18 months. For most customers, FLOWBOX will ROI with the first optimization steps. At the same time, you pay only for the modules you actually use. FLOWBOX also provides data (including simulation and modelling) for further investment decisions of companies and also for transparent reporting of ESG parameters.

These recommendations are broadly in line with the findings of a recent Gartner survey of global players in the manufacturing sector. The survey of over 200C-level executives and sustainability managers at manufacturing companies revealed that efficiency and operational effectiveness are the main motivators for sustainable behaviour in manufacturing companies.

FLOWBOX provides companies with the opportunity to better respond to dynamic market changes and strengthen their competitiveness.

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